Friday, July 15, 2005

Life Is a Chimera

It’s big, it’s unpredictable, and it’s got three heads—depending on your source. The Greeks would have you believe that it’s got a goat’s body, a lion’s head, and a serpent-tail. I submit a more TSR-like configuration that it, like life, has three heads.

The leonine head is majestic, but also pretty terrifying. Like life.

The goat head, hollow-horned and oft-bearded, will eat anything. Like the goats in Gregory the Terrible Eater, a book I really loved as a kid. How like life that is.

Then there's the dragon head. Be careful with this one. It comes in five different colors, and each can spew a different substances or energy generally not conducive to your health. Again, as in life.

We've got to be Bellerophon when it comes to life. Arm yourself with a lump of lead bound to a spear, and get yourself a winged horse if you can. It helps.

Also...mythic beasts have been on my mind of late—for reasons I may go into more at some point, and then there's the fact that I'm drawing a chimera for Marcy (yes,'s still pending, and not forgotten).

Escapee episode 12 is up. Or...should I say, down?


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