Monday, June 20, 2005

Coconut Coffee

Let me just say... Getting Dunkin' Donuts coffee outside of NYC vs. getting it within NYC: completely different experience. Outside of the city (when people who live in NYC say "the city," they mean Manhattan), they will add milk and sugar for you, and they somehow get the ratio just right—even for a sugar stickler like me. However, in the city you're on your own, so if you get a coconut-flavored iced coffee, you've got to add sugar yourself and some of you may know how long it takes and how incompletely sugar dissolves in iced coffee. It's just no good.

Last night I watched Dawn of the Dead until midnight. Had to get up at 5:20. I'm very tired.


Blogger Kameron said...

Hey, I watched Napolean Dynamite last night. Got to bed afterward at 12:30am and the alarm went off at 6:15am. I feel your pain (of course, I probably slept a bit sounder than you ;) ).

10:51 AM  
Blogger Jeff LaSala said...

I seldom can get movie-inspired nightmares. DotD was freaky, rife with scary zombie action (they *run*, man!), but it didn't unsettle me that much. Hard to do any more.

The Ring was the last movie to pull of the really creepy factor, where even after the movie I feel jumpy in the dark. Good stuff. I'm not sure if Ring Two will live up to that, when it comes out on DVD.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Ring 2 was awful. Only 2 sufficiently creepy scenes in the entire movie and one of them was in the commercials.

7:32 PM  

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