Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Northlands of Áereth

Goodman Games has posted another preview of the DCC world boxed set. This time, a portion of the first chapter of the Gazetteer which features some of the Northlands. Check out Stroherific goodness therein!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Coming Soon... a Web host near you.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Creation Myth of Áereth

A free 17-page preview has been posted over at Goodman Games for the Dungeon Crawl Classics boxed set. You can download it directly by clicking these words if you're so inclined. This is a pdf copy of the 1st chapter in the GM's Book of the set, which details the creation myth and ancient history of the world of Áereth.

This is one of the chapters that I wrote. Looking back on it, I think I'd have made some changes here and there but all in all I'm pretty happy with it. I had a lot of fun—and a little bit of stressing—coming up with a whole new pantheon, trying to stay consistant with the material from existing books, keeping to the generic tone of the DCC line, and yet trying to stay original.

The artwork is excellent, I might add. Thanks, Harley, for the shout out. And the cover art for the books within the set are really cool, too (as seen above). Good job, Jeremy.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


God knows I'm a little too busy right now to do anything with this—which is a good thing—but I don't want to let it go unnoticed either. Wizards of the Coast is actively receiving submissions (not really a contest, per se) for a some new fiction line, a "contemporary or historical setting but with the addition of some SF, fantasy, and/or horror elements."

That's right up my alley. But my alley is, amazingly, quite cluttered right now.

I encourage anyone with any real interest in writing to consider it. This seems like the kind of submission you could easily hold onto and use for yourself even if you get rejected. Kind of win-win, you know? I know from experience that just entering one of these open calls helps kindle the literary drive.

Details here.

Monday, September 11, 2006


I don't know what the significance of five years is, and I've always thought it somewhat arbritrary to place some sort of value on the cycle of 365 days, the chance distance around the sun...but why not? Most traditions are arbritrary.

All over, people are commemorating the events of 9/11 today. Marisa and I, who witnessed firsthand the World Trade Center devastation, haven't really done anything different...but we're both thinking about it. How can you not?

I don't yet know if I could yet stomach watching the new World Trade Center movie, but by chance, I did end up watching United 93 last night (at someone else's house, and they just put it on). I've never seen any action movie half as tense as that one. The power of that movie is simply its realism.

If you can, check out Paul Kemp's thoughts on today. Both introspective and warming.