Monday, March 27, 2006

The Adventure Begins

Just more than a month away the first Goodman Games product comes out that I had a part of: Dungeon Crawl Classics #29: The Adventure Begins. It's a hardcover compilation of about 20 short ready-to-run adventures for very low-level characters in D&D. I turned in that adventure more than a year ago, but it's only just now coming out. In June a second adventure I wrote will come out in a book all its own. Then in August, for GenCon, the big ol' boxed set will be coming out.

I wish I had more than that to say, but I'm still waiting to be turned down for the project I want the most.

Also, Escapee episode 39 is up.

Monday, March 20, 2006

When Pigs Fly

This is the GenCon Pig. Every day, I take all the change I have in my pocket and put it in the Pig. I will be doing this until August, and hopefully by then I'll have made a nice dent in the overall expense. What happens then?

The Pig gets on a plane and flies to Indianapolis to attend GenCon. He will represent me.

Escapee episode 38 has been posted.

In other news, Joseph Goodman of Goodman Games has finally announced the big project that I've been working on with Harley. Since he didn't post the announcement on his website—instead, just referring to it in a message board thread—I won't say too much about it right now. I think he only said anything because someone else found mention of it on and I guess he saw no point in denying it. The whole thing's been pretty hush-hush until now.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Alone I Cannot Judge

There is a day that comes annually that I fear above all others. Each February I make sacrifices to the hyperborean gods of winter and humble placations to the torrid gods of summer. But the inevitable arrival of this dreaded day always disproves such fleeting, desperate polytheism anyway. What day is this, you ask?

The day when I head to work wearing my coat and by the middle of the day I end up carrying it around because it's too damned hot for a coat at all.

It is the despised herald of summer, this nefandous day of ultimate suffering.

No, no. Don't mistake me. It is merely spring now, or almost so. I like spring. This isn't about spring, a time of great verdancy and delightful, sunny days. No, this is about Summer. See, there are two cosmic forces eternally opposed: the wicked Summer, that sears and burns and annihilates, and the merciful Winter that softens the harsh rays of our closest star. Autumn and spring are mere climactic stalemates between these two disparate powers, and are certain to be enjoyed by us mortals as the cosmic balance endures for about two to three months at a time.

In fact, I adore autumn, true autumn when leaves are turning and the air doesn't threaten to flay you alive. But no matter what, one of the two greater powers gains the upper hand and reigns supreme for a season, banishing the other to a memory. When Summer draws nigh, it extends its fiery tendrils through space and pulls the Sun closer to us, thereby making our world swing around in close proximity to it, allowing it to scorch us with its malevolent, burning stare. Fortunately, the Winter is canny, and utilizes this same momentum to fling our world far from the sun again like a slingshot. With the Sun thus distanced, Winter can raise its frosty mantle and soothe us in the darkness.

But right now, those seething tendrils reach for the Sun....

Worse, the Summer has a hold over the majority of this world's inhabitants. Sycophantic minions who indulge the Cult of Summer with such intonations as, "Let's go to the beach!", "Now I can wear shorts again!", or the unimatinative religious flattery of "Finally, the Sun's out again!" Summer dresses, bikinis, shorts, and sandals are the raiment of these cultists, not easily overlooked. 'Ware them, for they are the living avatars of the season of fire.

Damn you, Summer.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Words and Webs

Well, my enormous project for Goodman Games is nearing it's end. The bulk of the work is done (well more than 50,000 words for my part) and out of my hands. All that's left is minor revisions (I assume) and hopefully consultation on some edits. I'm dying to see the artwork that comes of it and I really hope that my suggestions are used.

As I wait for more things to come—or nothing at all, I suppose—I'm also seriously considering revamping so that it's an actual place to visit for people and not just this thing I maintain for only occasional personal use and storage. For this revisitation I'll be shanghaiing Josh Wentz, who knows more about Web design—and more relevant, visual design itself—than most people I know combined. It's a win-win situation for me.

Yesterday I had a tooth yanked out. I bled. A lot. Yuck. Luckily it's in a place that won't be missed.

Escapee will return next week.