Monday, June 26, 2006

Progress Has No Patience

On many fronts, I have a reason to be anxious, not the least of which is surgery that my mother-in-law will undergo tomorrow, whose outcome affects the development of the rest of this summer. In itself, no matter how tiny or large it is, surgery is a scary thing. For those of you thus inclined, a small prayer would be most appreciated.

Let's talk about this sensibly
We're not insensitive
I know progress has no patience
But something's got to give

Certitude is nearly upon me, absolution in one form or another. I have never known the price of patience until the last few months, but soon I shall know its results.

Given my profusion of taut nerves this week, and the sheer amount of goings-on, Escapee will be taking a break until next week.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A Date with Fate in a Black Sedan

...Or maybe a PT Cruiser.

As I get older, my thoughts—and likely most others' thoughts—have become more retrospective. In so doing, I realize, not for the first time, that a lot of [arguably] important milestone in my life have come late. Others, right on time.
  • A driver's license at age 16. Nice n' early.
  • Made Eagle Scout at age 17 and about 364 days. A little last minute.
  • Graduating high school at age 18. About right.
  • Met my future wife at age 21. Perfect.
  • Married her at age 27. Late, by some standards, but probably about average for my generation.
  • First small publications, between ages 27-29. I'd hoped for sooner, but I'm trying not to look back.
  • Got a car at age 29, with the prodigious help of my parents, in a gesture that will no doubt accelerate me to owning a house sooner than later. I'd say within 1d4 years.
  • And if I'm really fortunate, I might even be able to say published a novel at age 30 or 31. The next few months may determine THAT. That's not bad at all, if I can rig it.
And maybe, just maybe, add Kinder to the chronology in the coming years. Until then, I'll just stick to Kinder Eggs.

In other news, Escapee episode 46 has been posted over at Josh's orangerific Sidedown.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


"Overall, there should be more red pandas in the world."
— Marisa Monica LoPrete LaSala

Also, Escapee episode 45 has been posted.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Residual Magic

The official posting for my first solo publication is up at Goodman Games. It's number 31 in the Dungeon Crawl Classics line and is titled The Transmuter's Last Touch*. Originally I named it Residual Magic when I handed it in to Joseph Goodman more than a year ago now, but he renamed it, I suppose, to give it a more retro-D&D-sounding name. (Currently the module is shown with a yellow background, but I'm trying to convince Goodman to go with a different color. Something more like this, methinks.)

Note that it's only going to be $2! Goodman likes to do these occassional super-affordable adventures as a promotion, and my mini-adventure is the module of choice.

* (For the uninitiated, transmutation is a school of magic in D&D that involves the changing of forms, physically or otherwise. )

A new Escapee, espisode 44, is up now.