Monday, October 04, 2004

Update - 10/4

I was tempted to make a post specifically on the Presidential debates, but decided against it. One thing this weblog will not become is a political forum, however small. Suffice to say that for me there really doesn't appear to be a good choice. If anyone says otherwise, it's an opinion—not a fact. Speaking self-assuredly about one's opinion and demanding that everyone agree is missing the point of free speech and democracy itself. I will decide what I will decide, and I've sadly come to realize that even among friends, it's not always good to speak one's mind on political matters. This, for me, will be a private decision.

Okay. Enough of that.

Over the weekend, I visited my grandparents (all four) in New Jersey. I had the opportunity of seeing them all as an adult among them, not merely as a visiting grandson. It was refreshing, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I got to hear some really funny stories, and of course, was asked all kinds of questions about the wedding. Heard some heartfelt and humorous advice.

I also watched The Return of the King again because my grandmother asked if I had it (or as my grandfather remembered it, "The third part of the...Last of the Rings." That was all the excuse I needed to pick up the DVD (I'd planned on merely waiting for the Extended Edition).

That's all for now. I have much to do.

Word of the Day

It is entirely apposite that for me this month is an axis in which time itself has become simultaneously lissome and languorous.


Blogger Jw said...

It's hard not to take anything "personally" since, presumably, the whole point of even discussing in the first place is a personal interest regarding the matters being discussed.

With politics and religion, more (usually) than music, cooking, and "who is better, Chandler or Joey" (both are lame), there tend to be more emotional roots. After all, these things are things you believe in and not just believe.

That is why political and religious humour is especially amusing to me, it pulls on the things we believe IN.

For instance:

To someone who believes this person should go away, this is pretty amusing.

Voting and Prayer, in my mind, should be private decisions, as should child-creation, loving union, and whether you think Joey is better than Chandler (keep it to yourself). Sure, you can discuss these things at length in sterile and hostile environs, but when it comes down to it, no one had better tell me who to vote for or pray to. Unless, of course, they'd like to be punched hard in the face.

I'm not a big fan of Preaching or Pandering- of religion or politics, but do enjoy heated and hostile discussions regarding all.

4:25 PM  

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