Day Two
Thank you to those who've already patronized this weblog in its state of infancy.
Tonight I consider where to go from here.
Some use weblogs to describe the events of their day. Some use them as a platforms from which to voice their opinions on just about anything from politics to food. Some use them to vent. Generally speaking, they seem to be an outlet. I'm cool with that.
But what should I do?
When you ponder the direction of your weblog, do you consider your readers—your audience, as it were? A weblog isn't a diary or a journal, after all. Those are usually private, but a weblog is by its very nature quite public. Hmmm...
Well, one thing I think would be fun is to post a Word of the Day. And I'll probably frequently nab them from, too, since they generate a WotD and I subscribe to it, wordwright that I aspire to be. The fun of it is trying to come up with a sentence or two that uses the word appropriately. So...
Word of the Day
I've known a great many pervicacious people in my life; most of them far older than me, some astonishingly young, and one or two may be reading this.
Tonight I consider where to go from here.
Some use weblogs to describe the events of their day. Some use them as a platforms from which to voice their opinions on just about anything from politics to food. Some use them to vent. Generally speaking, they seem to be an outlet. I'm cool with that.
But what should I do?
When you ponder the direction of your weblog, do you consider your readers—your audience, as it were? A weblog isn't a diary or a journal, after all. Those are usually private, but a weblog is by its very nature quite public. Hmmm...
Well, one thing I think would be fun is to post a Word of the Day. And I'll probably frequently nab them from, too, since they generate a WotD and I subscribe to it, wordwright that I aspire to be. The fun of it is trying to come up with a sentence or two that uses the word appropriately. So...
Word of the Day
I've known a great many pervicacious people in my life; most of them far older than me, some astonishingly young, and one or two may be reading this.
Wordwright, eh? Nice. :-)
I haven't done anything consistent with my blog (apologies, but I do kind of like the term) other than use snippets from songs I like in the title for the entry. And I've tried not to be too terribly, um, confessional.
By the way, the slideshow was great, and I love the photo you've got up now along with the Narnia quote.
I don't have a problem with anyone using that abbreviation of "weblog." I just can't say it myself too much. Irks me for some elusive reason.
I hear you about the song snippets thing...I've been doing that on the main page of my site for a long time now. It'll happen here, I'm sure.
Thanks for stopping in! Keep coming!
If it's something you want to keep doing, pick a general topic that interests you, or an activity that you participate in regularly, and post about it. The original purpose of mine was an extension of the MoP diary I started on Forward Motion, but it kind of grew from there. I'm trying to decide if I'll continue after MoP is done, perhaps chronicling the process of finding an agent and shopping around the first of my own manuscripts.
Confessionals should be left to booths, darkened bars, and congressional hearings.
I also disenjoy saying the term "blog", although I find it's similarity to the word "blob" to be all too appropriate. The blogosphere is not more than a wirithing mass composed of 90% teen angst, 8% political/religious opinionating, and 2% solid gold. It expands, amorphous, through the Net, filling usefull space like an AOL promo in your apartment foyer's collective catch-all mail bin.
You just have to be you, Jeff. Mine is entirely made up of off-the-cuff stream of consciousness types of confessions. I couldn't be true to my friends who read it, nor to myself, if it wasn't.
So says Sue... 9_9
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