Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Road is Not So Clear

As I bide my time and grow increasingly more nervous about my coming interview (a few days now), I consider the timeless debate: choosing a little more financial security and overall dayjob prestige at the cost of less writing time—less free time, period. My writing-oriented career, I can see, will hopefully remain a steady thing, but one that will always just be coterminous with whatever else I must do to advance through life.

I just don’t know how to feel about it. There’s plenty of new skills and advantages to the dayjob world I’m attempting to step further into. Oh, I’ll keep writing, but my gigs will probably just be fewer and farther between.

Well, we’ll see. I may not even get this new position—in which case nothing will change at all.

In other news, the movie Serenity is excellent and you should go and see it.

Also, episode 23 of Escapee is up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preach it, Jeff.

For me, it came to the question of acceptance. Until writing is full-blown reliable, we essentially work two jobs. For my family, it was an acceptable situation. It takes a toll, to be sure, but I have one shot at making this writing this work. It may not come around again.

It doesn’t make it any easier, but golly, what a night job!


1:30 PM  

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