Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Wheels Within Wheels

Lots going on. I'm still working on this one big writing project, never quite as fast as I want to, but at least happily so. Right now I'm more pressed with the fact that I'm applying to a position at my company one big step up. I hate the process more than anything—the formal interviewing and testing—and even if I'm successful and get the position, it's got its cons as well as some obvious pros. The chief con being that it's going to eat away at my already scant free time (ie. writing time) and will put me into a different lifestyle. I refuse to speculate too much right now, as I may not the get position at all anyway.

My grandmother is doing well, as well as she can for her age and in her position. She's going to a rehab, post-surgery facility today. I hope to visit her in a few days. Thanks again to you all you well-wishers.

Last night I had a dream that I had to work during a screening of the upcoming Narnia movie, and halfway through I fell asleep because I was overworked, then woke to find that all my friends and family saw the whole thing and were all talking about it and I completely missed it. How ridiculous a dream that is.

Hey—I just realized that I've had this weblog up for over a year now. Huh.

Escapee episode 22 is up.


Blogger Kameron said...

Congrats on the one year anniversary and good luck on the job.

11:52 AM  
Blogger Lara said...

*heh* My dreams have been getting more and more ridiculous lately. Last night's dreaming included an unexpected job offer in the second part and a horrendously ugly "backup" wedding gown in the first part.

Glad to hear the work's coming along and that your grandmother is recuperating. Here's hoping the job stuff turns out the best for you.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Kameron said...

My wife's been the one having the weird dreams lately. Last week, she had one where part of the application process to get into grad school included a dance-off, and I took a dive so my sister could get in. Last night, she dreamt my mom got pregnant.

11:39 AM  
Blogger Jw said...

I'd like to know if anyone has dreams as insane as mine. Jeff knows the sheer level of insanity that inhabits my unused brain- and how it manifests itself as I slumber. Beyond all analysis, symbolism, or comprehension, my dream life is almost psychotic.

2:32 PM  
Blogger Jeff LaSala said...

Josh, tell them the dream about the small killer whale.

2:36 PM  
Blogger Jw said...


I was in my apartment watching a giant flock of birds migrating south- apparently a duck migration pattern went right above my building. All of the sudden, a small killer whale busted through my apartment window (third floor, Chicago).

It was injured, and when I felt it, it was kinda squishy and dry, like a pickle drained of it's juice. It had several puncture wounds on it's belly, one of which turned into a large gash that ran its length. You could see the guts inside.

I knew that I needed to put it in water, but I couldn't remember if it was fresh or salt water. After all, how did a salt water creature get into my apartment in Chicago? It's fresh water here.

Eventually I figured out it was salt water, so I started filling a large claw-foot bathtub with water and dumpint salt from one of those cylinder/spout canisters into the water... hoping not to over-salt it.

I tried to pick up the whale (it was just barely small enough to pick up) but what was more concering was the gash. If I picked up this squishy creature, and the gash widened, all of it's guts would fall out. That wouldn't be good.

Somehow I got it in the water. Then the dream morphed and later the whale was back, and there was bright paint in the water, and the whale had a brittish accent.

See? Insane.

10:53 AM  

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