Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Monographical Mania

In five days' time (Monday the 13th), should you be interested, you will be able to pre-order Sidedown Monograph #1. I've got a short story in there, my brother has some writings, as do misters Ed Gentry and Harley Stroh, my brother, Jeremy Simmons, a handful of others....and of course the man who put all this together, Josh Wentz.

So what the heck is this monograph thing that a few weblogs have mentioned? Basically, an unorthodox and well-ordered, thematic collection of multi-media art. It even ties in with a CD of original music by yet another (and overlaping) group of creative people. Josh Wentz is again at the hub of that project.

If anyone's interested, check in at or here again on Monday. You can get a pretty sweet package of both book and CD during the presale period. I've seen some of this stuff, and heard some of it. It's worth having.


Blogger Jw said...

There's one interesting thing that I found about everyone's submissions for the Monograph- Everyone surprised me. I truly expected to get a bunch of straight fantasy tales from the authors, but instead, each one stretched themselves out, twisted the topic ("An Enemy's Friend"), and came up with a piece that was decidedly THEM while being fresh.

All of my many hats are off to Jeff, Harley, Ed, Jeremy, John, and the others! The book is packed with them.

10:14 AM  

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